.. _example: Example ======= Let's take a look at a quick example how to use Django RPC application. We'll create a page with a button, which calls a server-side method using Django RPC. Create ``rpc.py`` in your project folder with the following code:: from djangorpc import RpcRouter, Msg class MainApiClass(object): def hello(self, username, user): return Msg(u'Hello, %s!' % username) rpc_router = RpcRouter({ 'MainApi': MainApiClass(), }) Add this to ``urls.py``:: from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from rpc import rpc_router urlpatterns = patterns('someproject.someapp.views', url(r'^rpc/', include(rpc_router.urls)) ) Add the following code to the page template:: Reload the page and you will see an alert with the message "Hello, username!". The working project example you can find in our repo https://github.com/Alerion/Django-RPC.