Source code for djangorpc.router

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json
from inspect import getargspec

from django.conf.urls import *
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponse

from djangorpc.datastructures import RpcMultiValueDict
from djangorpc.exceptions import RpcExceptionEvent
from djangorpc.settings import JS_API_URL_NAME, ROUTER_URL_NAME
from djangorpc.responses import RpcHttpResponse

[docs]class RpcRouter(object): """ Router class for RPC. """ print 'rpc' def __init__(self, actions={}, url_namespace=None, enable_buffer=True): """ Router class for RPC. :param url_namespace: URL pattern namespace where router insance is included. Used to get URL which router is connected. :param actions: Action classes router should add to RPC API :param enable_buffer: Define client should send requests in a batch """ self.url_namespace = url_namespace self.actions = actions self.enable_buffer = enable_buffer def get_urls(self): return [ url(r'^jsapi/$', self.api, name=JS_API_URL_NAME), url(r'^router/$', self.dispatch, name=ROUTER_URL_NAME) ] @property def urls(self): if not hasattr(self, '_urls'): self._urls = self.get_urls() return self._urls def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.POST.get('rpcAction'): requests = { 'action': request.POST.get('rpcAction'), 'method': request.POST.get('rpcMethod'), 'data': [dict(request.POST)], 'tid': request.POST.get('rpcTID'), 'upload': request.POST.get('rpcUpload') == 'true' } if requests['upload']: requests['files'] = request.FILES output = json.dumps(self.call_action(requests, request, *args, **kwargs)) return HttpResponse('<textarea>%s</textarea>' % output) else: try: requests = json.loads(request.body) except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError): # TODO: add loagging and return error event requests = [] if not isinstance(requests, list): requests = [requests] response = HttpResponse('', content_type="application/json") output = [] for rd in requests: mr = self.call_action(rd, request, *args, **kwargs) # FIXME: This looks like a little ugly if 'result' in mr and isinstance(mr['result'], RpcHttpResponse): for key, val in mr['result'].cookies.items(): response.set_cookie( key, val.value, val['max-age'] or None, val['expires'], val['path'], val['domain'], val['secure']) mr['result'] = dict(mr['result']) output.append(mr) response.content = json.dumps(output) return response
[docs] def action_extra_kwargs(self, action, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Check maybe this action get some extra arguments from request """ if hasattr(action, '_extra_kwargs'): return action._extra_kwargs(request, *args, **kwargs) return {}
[docs] def method_extra_kwargs(self, method, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Check maybe this method get some extra arguments from request """ if hasattr(method, '_extra_kwargs'): return method._extra_kwargs(request, *args, **kwargs) return {}
[docs] def extra_kwargs(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ For all method in ALL actions we add request.user to arguments. You can add something else, request for example. For adding extra arguments for one action use action_extra_kwargs. """ return { 'user': request.user }
[docs] def api(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ This method is view that send js for provider initialization. Just set this in template after RPC scripts including: <script src="{% url api_url_name %}"></script> """ obj = json.dumps(self, cls=RpcRouterJSONEncoder, url_args=args, url_kwargs=kwargs) return HttpResponse( 'jQuery.Rpc.addProvider(%s)' % obj, content_type='application/x-javascript')
def execute_func(self, func, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(func, '_pre_execute'): result = func._pre_execute(func, *args, **kwargs) if result is not None: return result return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def call_action(self, rd, request, *args, **kwargs): """ This method checks parameters of RPC request and call method of action. It checks arguments number, method existing, handle RpcExceptionEvent and send exception event for RPC. """ method = rd['method'] if not rd['action'] in self.actions: return { 'tid': rd['tid'], 'type': 'exception', 'action': rd['action'], 'method': method, 'message': 'Undefined action' } action = self.actions[rd['action']] if not hasattr(action, method): return { 'tid': rd['tid'], 'type': 'exception', 'action': rd['action'], 'method': method, 'message': 'Undefined method' } func = getattr(action, method) args = [] for val in (rd.get('data') or []): if isinstance(val, dict) and not isinstance(val, RpcMultiValueDict): val = RpcMultiValueDict(val) args.append(val) if 'files' in rd: args.append(rd.get('files')) extra_kwargs = self.extra_kwargs(request, *args, **kwargs) extra_kwargs.update(self.action_extra_kwargs(action, request, *args, **kwargs)) extra_kwargs.update(self.method_extra_kwargs(func, request, *args, **kwargs)) func_args, varargs, varkw, func_defaults = getargspec(func) func_args.remove('self') # TODO: or cls for classmethod for name in extra_kwargs.keys(): if name in func_args: func_args.remove(name) required_args_count = len(func_args) - len(func_defaults or []) if (required_args_count - len(args)) > 0 or (not varargs and len(args) > len(func_args)): return { 'tid': rd['tid'], 'type': 'exception', 'action': rd['action'], 'method': method, 'message': 'Incorrect arguments number' } try: return { 'tid': rd['tid'], 'type': 'rpc', 'action': rd['action'], 'method': method, 'result': self.execute_func(func, *args, **extra_kwargs) } except RpcExceptionEvent, e: return { 'tid': rd['tid'], 'type': 'exception', 'action': rd['action'], 'method': method, 'message': unicode(e) }
[docs]class RpcRouterJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ JSON Encoder for RpcRouter """ def __init__(self, url_args, url_kwargs, *args, **kwargs): self.url_args = url_args self.url_kwargs = url_kwargs super(RpcRouterJSONEncoder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _encode_action(self, o): output = [] for method in dir(o): if not method.startswith('_'): data = dict(name=method) f = getattr(o, method) if hasattr(f, '_form_handler'): data['formHandler'] = getattr(f, '_form_handler') output.append(data) return output def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, RpcRouter): if obj.url_namespace: url_name = '%s:%s' % (obj.url_namespace, ROUTER_URL_NAME) else: url_name = ROUTER_URL_NAME output = { 'url': reverse(url_name, args=self.url_args, kwargs=self.url_kwargs), 'enableBuffer': obj.enable_buffer, 'actions': {} } for name, action in obj.actions.items(): output['actions'][name] = self._encode_action(action) return output else: return super(RpcRouterJSONEncoder, self).default(obj)